Friday, September 5, 2008

Terrible Tunes, Wise Words

Ian, Isaac and Colby in front of our new house (in 21 days!)

The other day I was driving back from town and heard a couple of songs whose words really spoke to my heart (The music itself was terrible! I almost turned it off, it was really hurting my ears. It most certainly would have received the full wrath/disdain of all of my music professors in college! But a couple of the phrases hooked me! That's when you are humbled and remember that God uses broken pots, huh!!)...

You know, I have been flip-flopping between 1) feeling sorry for myself for having to move from this beautiful scenery we've enjoyed over the past 2 1/2 years 2) being excited about the new opportunities having an in-town house will allow and 3) worrying about if we are making all (or any!) of the right decisions.

These words really knocked my socks off (Ok, you're right! I didn't have any socks on! I think I was driving barefoot!) ... "Somehow my story is part of your plan....Here I am, Lord...Send me! Somehow my story is part of your plan?! Wow! That's pretty personal, isn't it! Frankly, I was floored! God does say that, though, doesn't he... For I know the plans I have for you...plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future... (Do you remember Jeremiah? What a fascinating story of a faithful and obedient man with a tough message from God to deliver!)

Here is another thought from I think a different song... "Why do you worry about your life? Why don't you let go?" Is that ever a brick over the head from Matthew 6, or what?! I was so glad I had the whole drive to think about these two little snippets. I could almost hear God saying, "Have I EVER let you down?" You know, I thought and thought about that. Has God ever let me down? I've had "stuff" just like everyone has, but no, through it all, God has never, ever let me down. I have seen his hand working in amazing ways through my entire life and I have no doubt that he will continue to paint some sparkle and pizazz, some drab or dark places into this life of mine so that when it is all said and done, there will be this brilliant piece of artwork that is hilarious and deep and just exactly the right colors and fit for his all-encompassing puzzle of life!

And, since God has named all of the stars and knows when each sparrow falls and has counted the number of hairs on our heads, I'm pretty certain He can work all [housing and moving aspects of life] together for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose in Christ Jesus!!

Wow! I can't help but get pretty excited about that! Come and visit us in Cheyenne!

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