Monday, September 8, 2008

Ian's First Day of Kindergarten

Do you remember how excited you were to get all of those special new things for school? (If you are wondering, that is a monkey pencil sharpener!) I sure do! I remember thinking how lucky I was to have all of those brand new supplies...and they were just for me! I'd open that pencil box and look and take them out and put them back in...Ian had that same reaction!

He also got to sit at the desk today and was he ever thrilled! I had the flu yesterday, so I didn't have everything set up right away this morning. Ian didn't care. He said he'd be happy to just sit at his desk and wait! I sure enjoyed seeing how proud he was to lift up that lid and stow his supplies and books. He wanted to have homework to do tonight with Isaac, but he really struggled with the decision of doing it at the kitchen table with Isaac or doing it at his desk without Isaac... the kitchen table eventually won out (with gentle prodding).

Ian was so excited this morning to get started that he put his pants on backwards in his haste!

These are some of the sweet things he said today...

"I was so excited about school last night that I had a hard time falling asleep, Mommy!"
"Can we do some more school now, Mommy?"
"I'd like to be done with recess now, Mommy!"
"I just "luuuuuv" school, Mommy!"

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