It has been such a long time since I last posted...and so much continues to happen. It's so hard to get caught up on all of the little things I want to share...
1) First, the flu! Hat's off to Riley Hauf and Toni Crocker for all of the chemo that they have endured and continue to endure. I had the flu for approximately 24 hours and was ready to simply curl up into a ball and hibernate for the winter. (Carter, how do you spell Wuss? Woos? Whuss?) To feel like I had the flu for years on end is simply too much to comprehend. We'd sure appreciate your continued prayer for Riley (leukemia) and Toni (breast cancer) as they cope with cancer as a daily event.
2) Then, Colby and Ian had the flu. Not to be TOO gross (Uncle Rick, maybe this is a little too much!!) but Isaac still "brings up" the time last year where he remembers quite vividly (and speaks quite clearly about) throwing up a peanut butter sandwich. Again with the cancer thing... my heart (and stomach) go out to those of you (Jeanne and Don) who deal with cleaning up "stuff that you'd rather not have to" even if it does make it into a proper receptacle. Cleaning up the floor, beds, hair and jammies of vomit in the middle of the night is just not fun...even if it is only for 24 hours.
3) We've had school...
September 19, 2008Ian is so proud to read to "Hip-o Gets a Pet" to Daddy, Isaac and Colby4) soccer
5) absolutely beautiful allergen producing weather
6) ...and packing! Packing has been such a huge event for us and has certainly shown us how much we have and take for granted. Scott and I many times tell our boys that they have more toys and books than some small countries in Africa. How incredibly blessed we are to live in a country where material wealth is the norm!
September 14, 2008Colby, getting "fed" with God's word under the kitchen table
Packing has been pretty confusing for Colby. He asks everyday "Are we gonna ta take (fill in the blank with anything from his cars character collection to the roof, to his bed, to the windows and walls, to the cereal in our pantry) to our new house?"
7) Jason and Jess brought their horses over last Sunday and let us ride around on them for a while. They are just beautiful and so much fun. What a treat! The boys just loved watching them bite apples in half and feeding them "horse cookies"! Oquirrh has been looking for little "nibblers" since they left!
September 14, 2008Jason and Jess helping the boys ride their horses
September 14, 2008Jason with Ian and Isaac
8) This last Sunday (yesterday), Isaac and his K-6 schoolmates sang for the first time during the Trinity Service. I just love the sound of children belting their hearts out to Jesus! Aahh...I could listen to it all day! The only bummer was that they sang from the back of the church up in the balcony, so we couldn't see their sweet little faces. Isaac loves music and choir and has been very excited that they get to sing with an organ.
September 21, 2008Isaac and some of his schoolmates getting ready to sing.As a sidenote to this singing event, I'd like to say that we had to be at the church at 7:50 am with all four boys and ourselves "pressed and dressed" (thanks to Mary Poppins... I owe her half of my vocabulary...spit spot!), plus the 30 minute drive...and we were one of the first ones there!
9) On another note...I'm soooo tired! I've actually had to call my mom several times over the last couple of weeks specifically to keep me awake (thanks, mom!). Here's how our conversations start..."Hi mom, it's me again. Hey, I don't have anything very interesting to say, but will you talk with me... I'm on my way into/out of town... I've taken my allergy medication (which doesn't seem to be entirely helping!) and Zane hasn't been sleeping...." Hopefully with his teeth about to pop through and his little body on the verge of crawling, he'll start sleeping blissfully and prolifically!
September 14, 2008Zane, on the not needing much sleep schedule.10) Last, but not least...Friday is the closing day for our house. So, somehow, we'll have everything all packed up and ready to move on Friday and Saturday! It's going to be a wild week!