Friday, December 12, 2008

Ten Months!

Ten month old Zane is on the move! This little man loves opening cupboards, climbing stairs, walking with the vacuum cleaner and dropping any item, any time, anywhere! His brothers adore him and love to entertain him and he adores them in return. He has no problems consuming vast amounts of food (please don't eat that piece of carpet... Ewww, don't eat that dead fly... that paper is not for you... sorry, no rocks for you today!) and is now sporting a cute little pair of top teeth to match the bottom two!


stephyt said...

Super cute videos of Zane! Adorable! Keep 'em coming! (What? Grandma wasn't bathing him...she usually runs to the tub when she hears the water running! )

Rebecca said...

Yay for videos!! :) Thanks for sharing Erika! So fun :)