Saturday, August 2, 2008

Summertime...and the driving is easy!

Wow! I am on Scott's Aunt's computer and I am completely AMAZED at how fast it is! Our computer has been having some connection "issues" for the last couple of weeks so I haven't been able to update this blog. Now we are on our way up North to Cheboygan, MI (where Isaac was born, by the way) to see the rest of the Balyo clan.

Travelling with the four boys has actually been pretty easy so far. Except for the "more-than-occasionally-needing-to-use-the-bathroom, the boys have been really good. The invention of the car DVD player is one of the best ever! Last year, by the time we'd hit the last Iowa reststop, I thought I was going to go bananas. I think we'd listened to the Cars soundtrack CD fifty times and I'd read about 150 books and picked up about 1,000 little toy parts and cars from the very hard to reach places under and behind those lovely carseats. I'd broken up arguments and listened to a fair share of whining. (I didn't listen to all of it...some of it went in one ear and out the other!) I'd passed back snacks and water bottles...and cleaned up snacks and water bottles. And through all of this last year, I had morning sickness and allergies and a headache that I still remember!

This year... it's been soooo easy! A bunch of movies and the boys are glued in! Now, just one more day of driving and they'll be able to run, run, run!

Which brings me to this...I won't be able to check the computer very often for a couple of weeks, so I am going to try to have a few guest posters while I'm gone. I saw that on somebody else's blog a couple of weeks ago and it was really fun! Hope you are all having a wonderful, sunny summer! Erika

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