The bone marrow came in a bag and took place pretty nicely on September 2nd as planned. Sounds like he had a pretty exciting "Bone Marrow Birthday Party" complete with guests, party favors, banners, presents and some very, very special visitors (us...via Skype!).
If you notice, he also had some red and blue streamers twisted above his bed, which I thought were a very clever reference to blood and transfusions...but found out they were instead a very clever reference to Riley's favorite colors! :)
Brenna also was given an award for being such a supportive sister!
We'd really appreciate it if you'd keep Riley and his family in your prayers these next couple of months as so many expected and unexpected bends and twists continue to happen in their lives.
I am married to a wonderful husband, mother to four sweet little boys and the undeserving and grateful recipient of God's grace though our Savior, Jesus Christ. I adore the clean smell of sagebrush and pine after the rain, the wild sound of the powerful Wyoming wind, the sweet touch of a child's hug and sloppy peanut butter kiss, the refreshing sight of the people I love, and the delightful taste of Indian cuisine. Thanks for reading my ramblings.
If you need help with some wording or an article written, STAT, get hold of this funny guy and great Dad. Although he works in communications and marketing for a hospital, those of us around him are pretty sure that his calling is to write some humorous books related to kids, family and travel. A big fan of Lewis and Clarke, travel, coffee, and laughter, you may find him wrestling on the floor with 4 wild boys and a dog. If you are curious about his style of humor, read some Adrian Plass. They must be related somehow!
Cast Member #2
This little lady just loves spending time with her testosterone-filled family. On the creative side of the personality spectrum, she seems to have many paper-trailed projects going on at the same time. Some of her favorite things are teaching a homeschool music class, being in the wilderness, rollerblading, and being warm. She loves having people over and planning parties, but wants you to know in advance that housekeeping is not high on her list of favorites. So, come on over. She'd love to laugh with you over silly, little things- but you may need to bring your dusting cloth with you!
Cast Member #3
At nine years old, this youngster has a fondness for pranks, jokes and all kinds of teasing. Full of compassion, big ideas and creativity, he may someday find a way to end world hunger with a few rubberbands and some driftwood! What he would like better than anything else, right now, is probably to play the wii without end for 3 straight years, and then build something great! A wonderful big brother, he is always watching out for his other brothers. If you like to be "doing" constantly, you'll need to invite him over!
Cast Member #4
This little 7 year old man is his own man! Mr. Laidback loves learning about all of God's creation and playing with Star Wars Characters. He just can't get enough Fox Trot and Calvin and Hobbes right now. This sunny, ceteation-loving, hyperbole-loving, little boy has said on several occasions, "Timed math tests are the BEST thing, ever!" Happy-Go-Lucky, this guy is sure to give you a great big hug (if he's not imagining his life as a comic book character!)!
Cast Member #5
At 4 1/2, this little guy just makes you smile. His very favorite thing is playing with Cars Characters. You can often find him running races, with accompanying car noises, at break-neck speed, around and around and around the kitchen and living room. He has a competitive spirit and a laughing heart. Play soccer or cars with him and you'll probably start laughing with him at something silly.
Cast Member #6
With only 2 years under his belt, this little guy can really sock away the food. He absolutely adores running around outside and would probably be content with never, ever entering a house. You might guess that this little guy has red hair and is Irish, but he owns the rights to neither. Not much of a talker, yet, but he sure knows how to give some great hugs and kisses!
Cast Member #7
Silliest girl in the mix, Oquirrh joined the crew in December, 2007. She loves to chase tennis balls and throw her rope around, outside. She is commonly referred to as our big, buffalo who likes to beefalo her way around. She is a big fan of rawhide chews and will contentedly gnaw on them for hours. A bull in a china shop, but still a lady!
"What a mighty God we serve! What a mighty God we serve! Angels bow before Him! Heaven and earth adore Him! What a mighty God we serve! This picture was taken during the swath of crazy weather that produced several dramatic days of tornado watches and warnings.
A Season of Wind- April
I had never seen the wind blow so hard that icicle drips would freeze sideways! I literally laughed out made my day!
A Season of Wind- February
That's right... two coats and a sweatshirt, a scarf, two hats and a dog who refused to go outside! On this particular day I walked part way down the driveway and then walked backward toward the house with my hand covering my face.
A Season of Wind- December
20 foot sheets of snow would blow past...absolutely beautiful and powerful...not in the least bit friendly!
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